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New range of show jump heights offered at our unaffilliated show jumping competitions to help Novice riders

| January 16th, 2013 | Comments Off on New range of show jump heights offered at our unaffilliated show jumping competitions to help Novice riders

We are often asked by riders whether we could provide lower jump heights at our competitions to help the more Novice riders. We have considered these requests and are pleased to advise everyone that we have from the 17th February incorporated ‘Cross Pole’, 1’9, and 2’0 classes to our popular Hartpury College Unaffiliated Competitions. Though riders will not be able to qualify at these lower levels it will give them the opportunity to compete at these jump height levels. We have also extended this opportunity to our Evening Show Jumping Competitions, by introducing a new height of 2’0 – 2’3 instead of 3’0 – 3’3 class. We hope riders will enjoy competing at these levels and further support our competitions. For assistance we have provided our latest schedules below for these events: Evening show jumping ‘Cricklands Qualifier’ – February-May_2013 NEW STARTER HEIGHTS Unaffiliated showjumping ‘Hartpury Qualifier’ – February_to_April_2013

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Results from Affiliated Dressage Competition held 12.01.13

| January 14th, 2013 | Comments Off on Results from Affiliated Dressage Competition held 12.01.13

We hope everyone enjoyed this competition which all went well and to time, though we had to contend with the cold weather  but those cold competitors were grateful for the central heating being on to allow them to thaw out! We provide a copy of the results below which we sent to British Dressage for reference but ask if competitors could refer to the official BD web site for their results and their allocated points. Our next Affiliated show will be held on Saturday 9th February where we are running tests from Prelim to Advanced Medium. 12.01.13 Affiliated dressage competition results_Saturday

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New Children’s Series of show jumping competitions to commence from Sunday 3rd February 2013

| January 7th, 2013 | Comments Off on New Children’s Series of show jumping competitions to commence from Sunday 3rd February 2013

We are pleased to confirm that our next series of Children’s Show Jumping Competitions and Points will commence from Sunday 3rd February and then on Sunday 3rd March, Sunday 7th April and finally on Sunday 26th May. Points will be allocated depending on attendance and success and those placed at the end of the series will be awarded a cup / medal. Our schedule for this series is now available under the ‘schedule download’ tab and we provide a copy below for assistance. We look forward to seeing you all at these events and hope both the children and parents have been practicing, especially under the ‘Led’ sections!! New Jumping Schedules for children from February – May 2013

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New opening hours and extended periods for course of jump hire

| January 7th, 2013 | Comments Off on New opening hours and extended periods for course of jump hire

We regularly receive requests to hire a full course of jumps and therefore, as from February 2013, we have changed our Programme to include Arena opening on Monday’s to allow a course of jumps from the weekend competition to be left available for hire. We do however, still need some time off and have therefore, decided that this will be on a Tuesday from 9.00 am until 3.00 pm, whereby  the arena will then be available for hire along with clear round jumping. Where we have clear round jumping from 5.30pm onwards, the arena will be available for hire with a course of jumps from 3.00 pm until 5.00pm only. Details will be available on our calendar web site for each relevant day. We have provided a copy of our new February & March Programmes under our ‘Schedule Download’ tab, but provide a copy below for assistance: HFEC February 2013

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Results from Unaffiliated Dressage Competition held 30.12.12

| January 4th, 2013 | Comments Off on Results from Unaffiliated Dressage Competition held 30.12.12

We hope everyone enjoyed this last dressage competition for 2012 and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year. We provide the results from this competition below and congratulate all those competitors who were placed in their class. 30.12.12 Adult & Children Unaffiliated dressage Results_Hartpury_Qualifiers

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Clarification on booking procedure for Arena Hire.

| January 3rd, 2013 | Comments Off on Clarification on booking procedure for Arena Hire.

In order to hire our arena you have the following options: 1) You can book the arena immediately by phoning us direct and making a card payment. There would be an additional small charge of £1.00 (if under £50) for the card processing, but once paid this will guarantee your booking date and time. 2) You can also send your booking request by Post, stating what day and rough time you require the arena hire with an enclosed cheque made out to HFEC, and your contact details. We would then contact you to confirm your booking or agree any revised booking. We can no longer take a booking over the phone with NO payment, as we have experienced a number of people who have made a booking with no payment, and then cancel at the last minute, therefore not allowing others to get the date and time they require. Our

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Gymkhana Photo’s from show held 16.12.12

| December 19th, 2012 | Comments Off on Gymkhana Photo’s from show held 16.12.12

Well what a fun filled Gymkhana we all had and Father Christmas was very busy distributing presents, cups of tea and Poo Picking! But he hopes you all enjoyed the Gymkhana and his special thanks go out to all his happy elves, who were Jilly, Rachel, Kirsten, Kayley, Gema and in the kitchen Jackie and Maya all of who made it happen for Santa and all the competitors and Parents. Santa has asked for some photo’s to be provided which we have done below, but if you wish to see more then please visit Richard’s web site on the below link, who can provide you with your own pictures for a small charge. We wish you all a lovely Christmas and enjoyable new year and look forward to seeing you all at future events we are running in the new year.  

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December Points for children’s show jumping competition held 2.12.12

| December 13th, 2012 | Comments Off on December Points for children’s show jumping competition held 2.12.12

We have now completed our  September to December 2012 series of points and we include below the points recently gained from our December competition. We look forward to seeing you all and others at our next children’s show which will be our Anniversary Show incorporating “OPEN’ sections from Class 4 (ie. both Adults & Children) to be held on Sunday 20th January 2013.  The final points for both led and unled sections are now provided below: Childrens show jumping points -DECEMBER-UNLED.Final_.2012 Children’s show jumping points-DECEMBER-_LED._Results.2012 Winners will receive a small cup and runners up to sixth place will receive a medal. Congratulations to everyone who competed and won the cups and medals, which will be available for collection at our Anniversary show. We will keep any uncollected items for future events. Further copies of these points will be provided on ‘Kids Corner’ so take a look! We provide a copy

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A message from Father Christmas for the HFEC Gymkhana Show to be held on Sunday 16th December.

| December 11th, 2012 | Comments Off on A message from Father Christmas for the HFEC Gymkhana Show to be held on Sunday 16th December.

Father Christmas has limited space in his sack, so he has asked if we could ask Parents who are bringing their children to this show to help him by bringing  a small present for their child.  If the present could be wrapped and clearly marked with the child’s name and handed into the office, then Gary & Jill and their helpers will store them until Father Christmas arrives. He is looking forward to seeing you all and hopefully there will also be some children and ponies in fancy dress (safe secure dress only) so he can view them all. Remember this show starts at approximatey 10.30 am and we provide a copy of the schedule below: Children Christmas Gymkhana Day held 16.12. 2012

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Affiliated Dressage Results held on Sunday 9th December

| December 11th, 2012 | Comments Off on Affiliated Dressage Results held on Sunday 9th December

We hope everyone enjoyed this busy competition and we were very pleased with the high standard of riding which was reflected in the good scores for individuals, so well done. We provide a copy of the results we sent to British Dressage for reference but ask if competitors could refer to the official BD web site for their results and their allocated points. Our next Affiliated show will be held on Saturday 12th January where we are running tests from Prelim to Medium. Affiliated Dressage Competion held 9.12.12 including D2M

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