New opening hours and extended periods for course of jump hire

We regularly receive requests to hire a full course of jumps and therefore, as from February 2013, we have changed our Programme to include Arena opening on Monday’s to allow a course of jumps from the weekend competition to be left available for hire.

We do however, still need some time off and have therefore, decided that this will be on a Tuesday from 9.00 am until 3.00 pm, whereby  the arena will then be available for hire along with clear round jumping. Where we have clear round jumping from 5.30pm onwards, the arena will be available for hire with a course of jumps from 3.00 pm until 5.00pm only. Details will be available on our calendar web site for each relevant day.

We have provided a copy of our new February & March Programmes under our ‘Schedule Download’ tab, but provide a copy below for assistance:

HFEC February 2013 Programme

HFEC March 2013 Programme

Our hire rates will remain the same as last year, which are:

Flatwork – £15 / hour for two riders, with additional £5 / horse per hour.

Show Jumping – £20 / hour for two riders, with additional £5 / horse per hour.

We hope this becomes popular with riders who wish to practice with their friends or have their instructor with them.


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