Author Archive

1.07.24 DIY Livery Yard stable available

| July 4th, 2024 | Comments Off on 1.07.24 DIY Livery Yard stable available

As from the 1.07.24 we have a stable available for DIY Livery. Genral information concerning what we offer is found on the drop down menu – DIY Livery. Please contact Gary on 07887 400239 for further information.

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4.03.24 Current situation concerning availability of both Indoor and Outdoor storage

| March 4th, 2024 | Comments Off on 4.03.24 Current situation concerning availability of both Indoor and Outdoor storage

As of the 4.03.24 we are FULL (both Indoor and Outdoor) and believe this will remain the case for a number of weeks. However, we only hold a short waiting list of enquirers, so if you would like the opportunity to store your vehicle here, please feel free to contact Gary, who will advise you on the current situation and what is involved to go on our waiting list. Gary can be called on 07887 400239.

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16.02.24 No stable’s available for DIY Livery

| January 23rd, 2024 | Comments Off on 16.02.24 No stable’s available for DIY Livery

As from the 16.02.24 we have no stables available at our DIY Livery yard. However, should you wish to enquire further or go on our waiting list, then feel free to call Gary on 07887 400239.

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23.01.24 – Outdoor Bay coming available

| January 23rd, 2024 | Comments Off on 23.01.24 – Outdoor Bay coming available

As from the 23.01.24,  we have been made aware of an outdoor Bay coming available.  Please feel free to contact Gary on 07887 400239 for further information, and or go on our waiting list.

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29.11.23 Stable available for DIY Livery

| November 29th, 2023 | Comments Off on 29.11.23 Stable available for DIY Livery

As from the 29.11.23 we have been made aware of a stable being made available. Please refer to our ‘Facilities’ tab for information concerning what we offer for DIY Livery. Should you wish to enquire further then feel free to call Gary on 07887 400239.

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1.09.23 Currently NO Bays available

| September 2nd, 2023 | Comments Off on 1.09.23 Currently NO Bays available

As of the 1.09.23 we have NO indoor storage or outdoor storage available. It is likely the opportunity for an outdoor Bay is more likely than an indoor Bay over the next few months. Please feel free to call Gary on 07887 400239 to enquire about the situation at the time as we have a short waiting list we use for suitable enquirers.

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21.08.23 Outdoor Bay availability

| August 21st, 2023 | Comments Off on 21.08.23 Outdoor Bay availability

As from the 21.08.23, we have been made aware of 1 or 2 outdoor Bays coming available. Please call Gary on 07887 400239 for further information. Please note that any enquirer must have a valid CRIS certificate for their caravan or a V5C for their motorhome.

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31.07.23 We have a stable available for DIY Livery.

| June 2nd, 2023 | Comments Off on 31.07.23 We have a stable available for DIY Livery.

For further information please look at out DIY Livery tab on this website or call Gary on 07887 400239.

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26.04.23 – We have NO stables available

| March 18th, 2023 | Comments Off on 26.04.23 – We have NO stables available

We currently have No stables available for DIY LIvery. Please refer to our ‘Facilities’ Tab / DIY Livery for general information. Should you be interested in going on our waiting list, then please contact Gary on 07887 400239, who would be happy to advise you further.

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Situation as of 26.04.23

| March 9th, 2023 | Comments Off on Situation as of 26.04.23

As of the 26.04.23 we are FULL both Indoors and Outdoors for storage. This situation can change in future weeks, so please feel free to contact Gary on 07887 400239, who can advise you on the current situation. We will advise on this page should we become aware of Bay (s) coming available or on our Facebook page.

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