December Points for children’s show jumping competition held 2.12.12
Home Farm Equestrian Centre | December 13th, 2012 | Comments Off on December Points for children’s show jumping competition held 2.12.12We have now completed our September to December 2012 series of points and we include below the points recently gained from our December competition. We look forward to seeing you all and others at our next children’s show which will be our Anniversary Show incorporating “OPEN’ sections from Class 4 (ie. both Adults & Children) to be held on Sunday 20th January 2013. The final points for both led and unled sections are now provided below: Childrens show jumping points -DECEMBER-UNLED.Final_.2012 Children’s show jumping points-DECEMBER-_LED._Results.2012 Winners will receive a small cup and runners up to sixth place will receive a medal. Congratulations to everyone who competed and won the cups and medals, which will be available for collection at our Anniversary show. We will keep any uncollected items for future events. Further copies of these points will be provided on ‘Kids Corner’ so take a look! We provide a copy
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