Ground Floor Furnished Room Area For Hire
When entering the Ground Floor Area you will see that it is fully furnished, with close pile carpet throughout. All rooms are fully decorated throughout and incorporate central heating radiators, PA speaker systems, automatic fire alarm detectors and intruder security. All windows and doors are double glazed with high security locking. Lighting is provided by recessed downlighters incorporating emergency lighting where required.
Our kitchen is located to the left of the main entrance door when entering and bound by worktops and counters. Our Kitchen had a ‘5 Star’ (very good) food hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency, while we sold to the public, but as the room is just hired out now, there is no requirement for hygiene inspections. The kitchen and utensils provided are all kept clean and maintained, so any agreed caterers using this kitchen must have their own certification.
The Unisex toilet makes provision for disabled persons use and incorporates a vanity basin and incorporates infra-red energy lighting for when you enter and leave the room.
Should a client be wishing to hire this ground floor area for meetings or other small function then please contact Gary for further information on 07887 400239.