Our First BD ‘Team Quest’ Competition on the 30th March
We are pleased to now confirm that the tests we will be running for our first BD ‘Team Quest’ competition on the 30th March are now provided along with the British Dressage ‘Registration Form’ and ‘Entry Form’ for entering Team Quest Competitions.
British Dressage have announced the launch of their new ‘Team Quest’ competitions which are aimed at novice riders who are riding at Intro, Prelim and Novice competition tests in a fun and relaxed environment. Teams of three or four riders (friends, colleagues etc.) will ride as individuals across the three test levels (any combination) and the best three scores count towards an overall total; highest percentage wins the day. There will be three catagories for teams; 16 yrs and under, 25 years and under and mixed riders of any age.
The rules will be more relaxed and teams can have their own colours and names as required.
We provide information received from British Dressage below and these competitions are due to commence between 1st March to 21st September 2014.
Team Quest will give riders the chance to improve you and your horse, meet new friends and try and qualify for a great Championship organised by British Dressage..
Please note that you do not need to be a member of British Dressage to be a team member as long as one is a member or associated member – see information provided.
Our first competitions will be held on Sunday 30th March and Saturday 31st May .
We provide a copy of the British Dressage Registration form and Entry form for use.
Team_Quest_organisers_briefing Rev 2
British Dressage TQ Team Registration Form
British Dressage TQ Entry form
For our first competition to be held on Sunday 30th March we will be running:
Under 16 / 25 years old:
Class 1: Intro B
Class 2: Prelim 7
Class 3: Novice 24
OPEN Classes :
Class 4: Intro B
Class 5: Prelim 13
Class 6: Novice 30
NB. Our 31st May tests will be published in due course.
British Dressage will also be listing these classes in their monthly magazine and on their web site.
We hope competitors support this initative from British Dressage and enjoy these competitions.